Beth, mom to Rowan, recently joined the Hope for HIE Parent Support Hub on Facebook. Rowan is three years old and was diagnosed with HIE (hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy) at birth, and with global developmental delay at six months old. “Finding the Hope For HIE group has helped me in so many different ways the past few months. I’ve connected with […]
Our precious son Scout was born August 3rd, 2021 by emergency cesarean after a failed induction. To our shock, he was born with no heart beat. Our medical team revived him after 15 minutes of CPR and three rounds of EPI. We were quickly warned that his outcome would be unknown. As I went to recovery, Scout went up to […]
I’ll forever go back to the day I found out I was pregnant – scared; nervous and terrified to have my first baby. I wish more than anything I could rewind my life to that moment and be as naïve as to what could happen as I was back then. I had a picture-perfect pregnancy. Everything went smooth, at least […]
Meet Kaycie Liptak! She’s one of our HIE Awareness Month ambassadors this year, and is a Super Sibling to Drew. Learn more about her journey and experience below in our Q&A: What is your story and connection to HIE? My sister was born with it when I was 6 years old. She spent 69 days in the NICU. It was […]
This was the very first picture of Aiden we took. At the time he was intubated on life support, had IV lines with multiple drugs pumped into his system, placed under heavy sedation, and was on a cooling blanket being cooled into hypothermia to slow the metabolizing of his brain from the Hypoxic event in order to try and reduce […]
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