Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


Healing in motion

September 26th, 2016  | Family Stories  |  By BECKY KERRINS


HIE mom Becky Kerrins shares her story of how she embarked on her latest journey, Healing in Motion, and what it means to see other parents joining her.


I got the idea for healing in motion one day while in kickboxing.

I was thinking: how can I make my workouts more meaningful and keep myself motivated?

I have been struggling with anger, depression and anxiety for 5+ years.

I found kickboxing and realized how good it made me feel to take that hour for myself and focus on healing my heart.

It just made sense, and I was at a place in my journey that I was ready to let some of my negative feelings go and help myself be a better Becky.

I sometimes use events from the NICU to focus on specifically, like the first day I held Drew was day 17. So on day 17 of kickboxing, I reflected on that.

Some days it’s current events or struggles, like being overwhelmed with therapy, doctors appointments, or Drew being sick.

Some days I focus on others, my daughter Kaycie, my husband Sean or fellow HIE moms and kiddos.

Aside from physically feeling stronger and healthier, I feel calmer, less anxious, happier and stronger.  It has truly helped start healing my heart.

As other moms started joining me and taking a leap to heal their own hearts, that just was more motivating that made me feel like I can actually help others just by encouraging them.

There is a sweet accountability factor in putting my journey out in cyber space for the world to see. I want to continue to help others start this journey.

If anyone is considering embarking on their own journey my advice is: be easy on yourself, do something you love, think about what you used to enjoy, feel the feels, share what you feel comfortable with.

There are no rules. This is just a journey in healing and self care.



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