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Neonatal Seizure Registry Update and Enrollment

June 22nd, 2021  | News



Enroll Now in the Follow Up Study

If your child participated in the Neonatal Seizure Registry study, they are now eligible for a seizure follow-up study.

We know as a community how important tracking long term outcomes is, and this new study follows development in children 3 and older.

The aim of the study is to understand long term outcomes in children who had neonatal seizures and how having a child with seizures affects parents and families.

The study will involve neurodevelopmental follow-up evaluations and review of your child’s medical records. Most evaluations will be completed by telephone or online. There will be one in-person visit when your child is around 5 or 6 years old.

If you were enrolled before and aren’t currently enrolled, or aren’t sure, be sure to contact your site coordinator, or Emma Scudero, the NSR clinical research coordinator, who can put you in touch with your site. She can be reached at emma.scudero@ucsf.edu.
Learn More about the Neonatal Seizure Registry Project



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