Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


HIE Awareness Ambassador: Hope Riley

April 7th, 2023  | News


Meet Hope Riley, one of our HIE Awareness Ambassadors from Aiken, South Carolina.

What is your story and connection with HIE? 

My son Logan was born 3/13/20 and suffered cardiac arrest due to excessive meconium aspiration. He had a 16 day NICU stay filled with many, many hard moments. I was told he would never really accomplish anything due to his severe HIE. While his life hasn’t been easy in any way and we’ve been through infantile spasms, hard to control seizures, Cerebral Palsy, illnesses and PICU stays, very scary medicine side effects and many other issues, his life is so much more than any of the doctors predicted or imagined 3 years ago. 

He’s severely affected physically and still has seizures, but despite all that’s against him he is so loving, funny, and smart. We don’t know what lies ahead but I do know severe HIE doesn’t always have to have such a scary and negative connotation to it. 

How did you first hear about the diagnosis of HIE?

In the NICU on day 1 or 2 although I wasn’t told anything about it and was told not to Google.

How did you first hear about Hope for HIE?

About two months in I was researching more about what HIE even was since I wasn’t educated on it in the NICU and happened upon Hope for HIE’s website and I’m so glad I did.

What do you want the world to know most about your story and HIE?

I want the world to know that while yes, our life is extremely challenging, it is also filled with so much joy and laughter.



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