Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


HIE Awareness Ambassador: Lisa Moewes

April 5th, 2023  | News


Meet Lisa Moewes, one of our HIE Awareness Ambassadors from Sulzbach, Germany

What is your story and connection with HIE? 

My connection to HIE is my son, Ryan Phoenix (turns 4 in July), who is severely disabled. He was born not breathing and stayed in the NICU for only two days. He sadly didn’t got any cooling treatment. Ryan has Cerebral Palsy (more of a low muscle tone then spasticity), Epilepsy (focal – seizure free since one year), vision problems (strabismus) and microcephaly. He is a little sunshine and a happy toddler! He understands everything but has delayed speech. We hope that he’ll learn to sit independently at some point. He always want to learn new things and gets mad when he’s not entertained enough.

How did you first hear about the diagnosis of HIE?

After researching a lot online I came across HIE. It was around a year ago. I was sure that Ryan didn’t got all the treatments he deserved to get at the hospital. And was searching for causes for his disabilities.

How did you first hear about Hope for HIE?

When I came across HIE online I was searching for the hashtag on Instagram. I found Hope for HIE and offered my help to translate templates for HIE awareness month 2022.

What do you want the world to know most about your story and HIE?

I want people to know that my son is a happy and lovable human being! Yes – he is disabled. He deserves to be loved and deserves every help we can afford for him! I hope that other people see him like I see him! Not as a baby or as a poor little guy who developed brain damage, no, as a little guy who wants to play with other children and wants the same respect others get!



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