In his short 15 months, Woodrow David knew love and life, and his mother is working to keep his memory alive.
For Kate Goudy, her son Woodrow, who was severely injured at birth, will continue to serve as an inspiration to be the woman and mother who would have made him proud.
And Hope for HIE has helped her along that path, she said.
“Hope for HIE has meant many things along this journey, but mostly, to me, it has meant to never lose hope in the good of life,” Kate said.
Kate found Hope for HIE after a kind NICU nurse asked her if she had found any support and told her about the nonprofit organization aimed at providing support for families impacted by HIE. Through Hope for HIE, Kate found support and the personal stories of other families she so badly needed to hear, she said.
“There is no way to thank the Hope for HIE community enough for all they have shared with me, for holding my hand through this difficult journey and for being there to live it with me, even if it’s from afar,” she said.
Kate has since joined the group specifically for parents who have lost a child, for support from other families who get what she is going through.
Finding those parents has helped her feel less alone on her journey, which is something all families should have, she said.
“I believe, families do not need to navigate this challenging and painful path of an HIE diagnosis alone. Relating to families living in similar circumstances can help to feel less isolated. Why not learn from and support others, it benefits all involved, including our little ones,” Kate said.
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