Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


HIE Awareness Ambassador – Khadiajah Holmes

April 21st, 2023  | Family Stories  | News


Meet Khadijah Holmes, one of our HIE Awareness Ambassadors from Orlando, Florida.   

What is your story and connection with HIE? 

Our pregnancy went just fine and then the life I had planned was suddenly shattered at 39 weeks. My daughter was diagnosed with HIE at birth. Our lives were forever changed. As time progressed, I learned that it changed for the better. My daughter’s diagnosis made my husband and I the people we are today. It showed us what real problems are, how to have patience, how to have and show empathy, how to advocate, and how to be creative on our journey of parenthood to ensure our daughter has an amazing life.

How did you first hear about the diagnosis of HIE?

I was told shortly after the birth of my daughter, but at that moment I was so overwhelmed with emotions and information I couldn’t process it. Later that day I was able to have a conversation with the staff as to what it was and what was going on with my daughter.

How did you first hear about Hope for HIE?

While in the NICU, I was informed to look into support groups and was shown Hope for HIE and it has been life changing.

What do you want the world to know most about your story and HIE?

You don’t have to become your diagnosis. Your journey in life may look different and that’s okay. Enjoy your family’s version of a great life.



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