Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


Tina’s Story: Learning to Live, Not Just Survive

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

After having a miscarriage with twin boys a year before, Tina desperately needed things to go well during her pregnancy with Olivia. There were a few minor issues along the way—around twenty-eight weeks in, Tina was told Olivia measured small, and Tina developed gestational diabetes toward the end of the pregnancy. Because Olivia wasn’t growing at the rate she was […]

Charlotte’s Story: Finding Footprints on the Moon

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

“Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” -Paul Brandt Charlotte lives in Greater Manchester, England, with her husband, Stuart, and her HIE daughter, Annie, who was born in 2019. Charlotte and Stuart had been trying for a baby for five years, so when Charlotte finally discovered she was pregnant via in vitro fertilization […]

Noura’s Story: The Intersectionality of HIE & Prematurity

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

Noura, originally from Kuwait, and her husband, originally from the UK, moved to Montreal for Noura’s residency. Noura is a physician who finished her ENT training and is currently doing a fellowship in head and neck oncology surgery. While Noura was used to assuming the role of the provider, never did she think she would so intimately experience what it […]

Caitlin & Jeff’s Story: Of Teddy Bears & Togetherness

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

Caitlin and Jeff live in Georgia with their three children, Liam, Charlotte, and Caroline. When Caitlin found out she was pregnant at the start of the pandemic, the entire family was overwhelmed with joy. Liam and Charlotte were so excited that they would have a baby sister to play with, and Caitlin and Jeff looked forward to reliving the experience […]

Sheena’s Story: Being the Change

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mohandas Gandhi As a sixth-grade teacher in Grenada, Sheena had always been vaguely aware of the lack of resources for children with disabilities in her own country. Individualized education programs and learning accommodations don’t really exist. However, it wasn’t until the birth and HIE event of her second daughter, Shania, […]


One of the ways many HIE families work through the trauma of their journey is sharing their story to help other families who will find us in their own HIE journey. We hope you’ll take a few minutes and share yours with us. We’ll publish it to our Family Stories blog!

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