Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


Mark’s Story: Learning to Play Hurt

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

As a member of the air force for the past ten years, Mark had been used to a decent amount of change and fluctuation in his life. However, when he and his wife, Becky, had Elana and Leah in September 2015, he experienced change to a degree he never thought fathomable. Mark and Becky had been dealing with fertility issues […]

Lauren’s Story: Bea-lieving in Bea

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

Lauren and her husband live in Mount Barker, a town just out of Adelaide in South Australia, with their two cocker spaniels, their bunny rabbit, and Beatrix, their daughter with HIE. Lauren teaches English, media studies and history to year 11 and year 12 high school students, as well as lectures to university students who are pursuing careers as English […]

Becky’s Story: A Different Kind of Hope

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

Becky—who serves as the secretary on the board of directors for Hope for HIE—is the mother of two beautiful children, Hannah and Nick, aged seven and five respectively. She has been married to her husband, Josh, for ten years, lives in Buffalo, New York, and works as a financial aid officer in higher education. In 2013, when she gave birth […]

April’s Story: Evolving the Definition of Hope

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

Unlike many other families, April and her husband, Christopher, were married for almost twenty years before they had their daughter, Effie. April was well into her forties when she became pregnant with Effie, but, despite her advanced maternal age, she would describe pregnancy as one of the best times in her life—everything just seemed to be going unbelievably smooth. But, […]

Kavitha’s Story: Life with King Shiv

April 30th, 2022  | HIElights of Hope

When Kavitha first immigrated from India to Arizona in 2014 for her husband’s work, she thought this would mark the biggest transition in her life. Not only was she leaving behind a family, culture, and life she had always known, but she had just given birth to her first child, Uday. On top of navigating life in a new country […]


One of the ways many HIE families work through the trauma of their journey is sharing their story to help other families who will find us in their own HIE journey. We hope you’ll take a few minutes and share yours with us. We’ll publish it to our Family Stories blog!

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