Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


What should have been

What should have been

April 22nd, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

In the early days after his son Grey was born, Nick Burton turned to his words to try to process the emotions he was feeling. What resulted has resonated with so many of our families for the raw emotion and honesty in his words. What should’ve been A dream unfulfilled, but forever imagined So unextrordinary a fantasy, unrealized Should’ve been […]

A new support system

A new support system

April 21st, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

In the early days after his daughter was born, David Ford felt overwhelmed and scared. David and his wife Heidi were overjoyed their daughter survived such a difficult start to life, but were unprepared for how to deal with the emotions and questions over the uncertainty of Scarlett’s future, he said. While searching for more information about HIE, David and […]

Helping other families

Helping other families

April 12th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

When he was asked to join the board for Hope for HIE, Nick Burton immediately knew he wanted to help families, just like they had helped his. Nick’s son Grey suffered HIE at birth. And that has changed their family’s entire life. In addition to quitting his job to stay home with Grey, Nick also has gotten used to having […]

How to be an advocate

April 10th, 2017  | Resources  |  By ANN GOELLER

As parents to children with special needs, we have a lot of roles: caregiver, nurturer, juggler But one of the most important ones is advocate. We advocate for our children at school, with medical providers, with therapists, with insurance companies and sometimes with the decision makers in our local, state and federal governments. Advocacy is so important for our kids […]

Giving back to our families

Giving back to our families

February 14th, 2017  |  By ANN GOELLER

Through Hope for HIE, families impacted by HIE receive support through online groups, in-person meetups and gifts to families who have suffered a loss, are going through a long hospital stay or starting their HIE journey. But, after the recent successful holiday campaign, we wanted to do even more for our families. So Hope for HIE dedicated some of the […]


One of the ways many HIE families work through the trauma of their journey is sharing their story to help other families who will find us in their own HIE journey. We hope you’ll take a few minutes and share yours with us. We’ll publish it to our Family Stories blog!

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