Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


Getting fitted for orthotics

Getting fitted for orthotics

September 29th, 2017  | Resources  |  By BETSY PILON

For some of our HIE children, some type of orthotic (sometimes called a brace) may be necessary to help with development, ambulating and balance. There are a few different types of orthotics that may be considered. For some children, simply a shoe insert might be a good tool. For others, a solid or articulated (hinged) Ankle-Foot orthosis (AFO), or a short Supra-Malleolar […]

That First Year – A Dad’s Perspective on Getting Through

That First Year – A Dad’s Perspective on Getting Through

September 28th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By LUKE EDMONSON

Hope for HIE is a wonderful organization full of other dedicated families in similar situations. Every day new parents join on Facebook or read this website full of questions, uncertainty, and searching for hope. Maybe you got here because you searched for “What is HIE? Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy.” I feel like I’ve gained some perspective on what our process was like regardless […]

Connecting through loss

Connecting through loss

August 16th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

A devastating loss suffered by two families brought them closer together than they could have ever imagined. Becky and Krista connected through Hope for HIE’s online forums over the loss of their children to HIE. They got even closer when discussing the fears of having another baby after the trauma they had both had in their previous birth experiences. They […]

Meeting other HIE families

July 19th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

For families of children with an HIE diagnosis, the journey can be lonely. Often, other families don’t look like ours. Their lives aren’t the same. Their routines are different. Hope for HIE has been organizing retreats focused on moms for the last four years, which for so many women have been life-changing, giving them a chance to connect with moms […]

Summer fun

Summer fun

June 29th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

We bet you can’t look at this photo without smiling. HIE kiddo Remi got to try her hand at skiing with an adaptive ski program. And she had a blast! Remi’s mom heard about the program when they went to a ski show at the beach. Her husband insisted they sign Remi up. Jamie was nervous at first, but then […]


One of the ways many HIE families work through the trauma of their journey is sharing their story to help other families who will find us in their own HIE journey. We hope you’ll take a few minutes and share yours with us. We’ll publish it to our Family Stories blog!

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