Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


Remembering Carter

Remembering Carter

April 30th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

After the loss of her son Carter, Kelli Durham wanted to do something to keep his memory alive. She decided one of the best ways to do that was to donate in his honor. “I wanted his life/memory to be as impactful to other people as it was to me,” Kelli said. And immediately Hope for HIE came to mind. […]

What I learned from healing in motion

What I learned from healing in motion

April 29th, 2017  | Resources  |  By ANN GOELLER

What started as a personal journey turned into a movement to help parents process their grief. Becky Kerrins wanted a way to both honor her daughter’s 69 days in the NICU and try to work through her grief over her HIE injury.   She decided to take that energy and use it in a new workout: kickboxing. So for each […]

Dragon Cabin

Dragon Cabin

April 28th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By NICK BURTON

Twenty-four hours not sleeping Ambulance raced, filled with strangers When once we dreamed of green meadows, Now we ride down an ice ramp. The hill is steep and was not seen approaching Our cabin lost in the snowstorm You, the emerged baby bird not yet thriving Your cherub face quiet, eyes still closed Surrounded by an array of singing engineering […]

A family sport

A family sport

April 27th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

The pictures show a family sharing an activity they love together — finally. Two years ago, Elyse learned about a program from her daughter that would allow her son Miles, who suffered HIE as a baby, to be able to ski. “She came home and was so excited to tell me how there were kids with different disabilities skiing and […]

The HIE connection

The HIE connection

April 26th, 2017  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

The message made my heart drop. Another family hearing those three letters: HIE. And this time it was someone I had known almost my entire life. My childhood friend Sara had gone into labor with her baby boy. And hours later, she sent me a message asking if we could talk. The diagnosis: HIE or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. She had […]


One of the ways many HIE families work through the trauma of their journey is sharing their story to help other families who will find us in their own HIE journey. We hope you’ll take a few minutes and share yours with us. We’ll publish it to our Family Stories blog!

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