Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy



Sleep Issues Q&A with Dr. Chris Carosella

Sleep Issues Q&A with Dr. Chris Carosella

November 24th, 2021  | News  | Resources  | Sleep  |  By Dr. Chris Carosella

Sleep issues are very common with HIE (hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy), and across all outcomes. Sleep interruptions with HIE have a link to the sleep/wake cycle. We recently sat down with Dr. Chris Carosella, double-boarded Pediatric Neurologist & Sleep Medicine specialist, and Hope for HIE Medical Advisory Board member, to discuss sleep issues in children with HIE and other neurological conditions. […]

Seizure Action Plans

Seizure Action Plans

November 23rd, 2021  | Epilepsy  | News  | Resources

If your child has experienced seizures, even if they are under control, or you had resolved neonatal seizures, a Seizure Action Plan is an important tool for anyone in your child’s life to be aware of. Seizure Action Plans outline what to do in case of a seizure for your child. This could include when to call 911, a bit […]

Managing Epilepsy: Know Your Options

Managing Epilepsy: Know Your Options

November 22nd, 2021  | Epilepsy  | News

Epilepsy truly embodies a “trial and error” approach sometimes. Certain types of seizure disorders and seizure types are more responsive to specific medications than others. Epilepsy in HIE is pretty common, and HIE is a leading cause of some specific types of epilepsy and seizure disorders. Why are seizure problematic? Sometimes they can inhibit development, learning, and focus. Sometimes they […]

“As long as my baby is born healthy”

“As long as my baby is born healthy”

November 18th, 2021  | Family Stories  | News

A PICU Journey with HIE – by Amy Bannister DiGiacomo Expectant parents say this all the time. I probably said it too, until my second child, Oliver, was born. Now the phrase hits me in the chest when I hear it. Oliver’s birth was fine until it wasn’t. When he was four days old, he stopped breathing in my arms […]

Give Hope: 100 for 100 Campaign

Give Hope: 100 for 100 Campaign

November 18th, 2021  | Fundraising  | News

IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! We’ve got ALL SORTS of amazing Hope for the Holidays things planned. We’ve got some AMAZING giveaways planned for our sixth annual Hope for the Holidays 10 Days of Giveaways in December that we’ll run again December 6-15 in our Parent Hub on Facebook, giving away over $10,000 of adaptive equipment, things to make […]


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