Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Hope for HIE – Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


Share your story

April 1st, 2016  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

Over the next month, we will be sharing stories of families affected by HIE with one main focus: finding hope in the journey. We would love to hear your story! Contact us and tell us how you have found hope in your journey with HIE.

Why I “gave up hope,” and what that really means

Why I “gave up hope,” and what that really means

January 31st, 2016  | Family Stories  |  By Nicolette Friend

“You know, I think I find myself giving up hope. Or maybe hope is just changing into something I didn’t know it could be. It’s getting harder to work hard at things that seem unattainable. I work on her strength and flexibility because life sure would suck harder without those. But she’s content with just laying in my arms and […]

Welcome to Holland — Part 2

Welcome to Holland — Part 2

January 16th, 2016  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

Any parent of a child with a disability knows the poem “Welcome to Holland.” In the beginning, this poem resonated with me. I was in shock over my child’s diagnosis, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, and what that would mean for our future. But as I came to grips with our life and our new normal, the poem became a cliché that I […]

Why I hired my own Santa

Why I hired my own Santa

December 22nd, 2015  | Family Stories  |  By Michelle L. Hughes

There are some universal truths in life: what goes up must come down, the pen is mightier than the sword, and the worst line to be in is the one for Santa Claus. So here I am, a mom of two kids: one bright and bubbly 10-year-old daughter and one very handsome little 3-year-old guy, who happens to have HIE. […]

Anika’s Story

Anika’s Story

December 21st, 2015  | Family Stories  |  By ANN GOELLER

After four months of feeling alone, worrying and wondering, Anika Fella decided to try to find other families like hers, who had gotten the diagnosis of HIE. Her daughter Chloe had suffered HIE when she separated from the placenta during the delivery of her twin sister. To their family, HIE had so far meant more than a month in the […]


One of the ways many HIE families work through the trauma of their journey is sharing their story to help other families who will find us in their own HIE journey. We hope you’ll take a few minutes and share yours with us. We’ll publish it to our Family Stories blog!

Share Your Story


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